Sunday, April 27, 2008

omg. i read this new manga called absolute boyfriend in like 1 day. i started at 2 and just finished it. LOL.
omg. it's so saddening. i cried at the last chapter lah stupid ass. ahh my heart is like wretching. :( and omg it has 1% of sex content. but no nudity luckily. AHH. i feel like crying all over again stupid! it's like the robot malfunctioned but it just told the girl "i love you forever" and the girl went out and came back and he is like "dead" omg... then he even sent a letter to another guy to tell her "dont cry anymore." omg so touching can. it's only 30+ chapters. stupid asshole. and the robot kind of developed its own feelings. SIGH.

my quote for the day: don't cry anymore. (it's like the robot knows she will cry like crazy. and note: it's a robot.)
it's like a robot for a boyfriend, totally flawless and stuff. sigh. but it will malfunction one day. and the "death" will come someday. ahhhh:( i miss night. sigh.

oh my efffing god. i haven't started on anything for revision. AHH. it's midnight.aiya go sleep then tomorrow see if got mood or not lor. walao i gg liao. actually no need study one lah. this year scrap a 2.0 i can liao. but judging by the way my studies are going, it's quite a chore. walao.

oh yeah. my geog sucked. 6.5/14 LOL.i give up on geog liao lah.
bio okok lah. i love mr chow ban hoe. i copy last section wrongly and he only deducted 3 marks because the first question is impossible to do with the changed question. similarities between vitamins and proteins like what the hell. then he minus one more mark for not following instructions. walao he is damn nice actually if it were me i just put a beautiful big cross and draw an egg. then just fail the student lah. but he didn;t and i am so grateful he gave me a B3 lor. :D thank you mr chow!

btw, i realised that my new com over here restarts itself a lot. walao. pissed diao liao can. :(

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